Friday, October 31, 2008

TGIF, man I am so tired lately, about all I can think of is weekend. Not that my job is bad, or extremely hard, my job is actually great, something to take pride in.


But on the weekend, I can sleep in a bit, I also need to work a bit more on my webpage, I can hang out a bit on Artbreak, check out what my "friends" have put online, and maybe go out and make some new pics. I need to get my son to finally get everything in his room finished, so that he can get his stuff out of the attic, so that I have room to work again. I feel like painting again.


And I need to photograph some things that I have done in the past, so that I can show them online as well. The weather is light grey, and at least it's dry, and should stay dry over the weekend.


I also need to study my Chinese a bit. Class on Tuesday and Thursday was really good, and since it is twice a week, something really stays put now.


It looks like I will be so busy, that I can't wait for Monday, to slow down.


Nice weekend y'all


up and (sort of) running!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Today is one of those days, when I feel like posting, but don't really have anything of interest. I guess that wont stop me though. Does that make me like the people who talk but don't say anything? I guess I could translate some questions I just got per mail:


-         When you choke a Smurf, what colour does he turn?

-         How does is it, that just enough happens, that fits into the newspaper?


Unfortunately, the others are all puns and such that only make sense in Germa.


My Sister always asked:


-         Daylights saving time. Why are they saving it, and where do they keep it?


Had enough?


up and (sort of) running!

Friday, October 24, 2008

tired, dont feel like writing.
Chinese lessons were good yesterday, English Stammtisch was good yesterday.
Weather baaaaahh! cold grey, baaah!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

It has been 4 days, and I have managed to drop a line every day. That is how it should work! I mean, to be honest, I've got absolutely no idea who, if any one reads this, so it doesn't really matter one way or another.  I could just as well wrixashdp UIEWW ECH EHAöösh xdxjehu ierucne xhwuihw xexheuhw euixhIW EUIU EU




Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Today is one of those cold, grey depressing days, in which I don't feel like doing anything. At best a book, a sofa, a cup of tea. Reading and sleeping at will.


If I ever won the lottery, that would probably be one of the first things I would do, is really take a few weeks, and do nothing. At least, only the most necessary, cooking, cleaning, etc. Otherwise, just what I feel like.


Until then, I have to keep working, so here it is, more work.



Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The sun is shining, and it is raining at the same time....


When I was growing up, our neighbour always said "The Devil is beating his wife"


I am sure that there is a meteorological reason behind it, but think; which woman would marry the Devil? Does she make his life hell? Does this mean that Hell has a feminine touch? Behind every successful man is a …., We could go on all day



Monday, October 20, 2008

Though it is cold, the sun is shining, which helps raise my spirits. Tomorrow, Chinese lessons start again and I didn't study any during the beak, lets see how far the others are, and if I need to do any catching up. It is also 2 times a week, which is good for learning, but puts a lot of stress on the work atmosphere, as I need to go 1.5 hours earlier twice a week, that means I need to bring in 3 hours a week to compensate. I also want to start programming my home page and loading the pictures, and I was considering starting Jiu-Jitsu again.


One thing at a time. At least the sun is shining.



Friday, October 17, 2008

The sun is shining, throwing multi faceted reflection of light and shadow on the fallen leaves. Sometimes something so common and banal can be a beautiful sight, but when photographed, seem boring because it is truly too ordinary. It can only be enjoyed for the personal moment.


But the air is getting colder…. Damn I hate winter!



Thursday, October 16, 2008

The sky is grey, it is rainy, and the leaves have almost all left their trees. It is dark when I drive to work, and dark when I drive home. What does this tell us?


I saw again, that I haven't written in such a long time, I had to dust a bit and clear off the spider webs to be able to post this. The problem is, with the lack of sun, I get more and more lazy. I wanted to set up my new homepage, but haven't had the time, (really) nor the energy. Now that vacation and China travels are mostly over, then I can start talking to friends about how to do what, after all I am not really a HTML crack, and don't want to re-learn everything just to set up a homepage. What I am looking for is a small data bank where I can effortlessly upload my pictures, maybe under different tags or headers, without having to add buttons and pages and re-write and upload the whole home page. I know that this is possible, but since I don't do it every day, I'm not firm in it. Just as you wouldn't be firm in buying ironmongery and hardware internationally, if you don't do very often.


Chinese courses start again on Monday, oh boy am I in for it, I haven't studied a lick since the last semester, well just a couple of times with my colleague, but she isn't here every day, I really do need to start taking advantage of her working here and start talking with her.


Gonna go back to work now.