Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The more you read the add below, the funnier it actually gets.

"We are sure that after the first pill you girlfriend will scream in bed feeling orgasm, one after another.

Become the sex giant for less than 200 dollars and all women in your block will be yours."

First your gilrfreind - THEN THE WHOLE DAMNED BLOCK!

Just try once and we are sure you will become our customer forever and join the billions of

already satisfied customer all over the world.

Damn – Alberto, Billions? Really? Billions????

Daaaaaammmmnnnnnnnn 8-O

Fw: Enlarge your thing and crazy nights with prettiest ladies are guaranteed.

OK Alberto, What is wrong with this add below? Apart from the fact that you are trying to sell me "Enlargement Pills"?
What does this have to do with Enlargement? Can I grill better with a larger penis? Am I a better father with a larger Penis?
This is just too strange Alberto, and you are a very strange man in need of help.
F*cking SHIT Alberto - I mean really!! WTMFFS??
FAIL - with a huge F. A. I. L.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 1:40 PM
Subject: Enlarge your thing and crazy nights with prettiest ladies are guaranteed.
Attention we have a sale!
Only today you have a great opportunity to make your woman scream from orgasms with our enlargement pills. A lot of men are sure that they have small devices what doesn't facilitate a good night with their second half. We are the biggest manufacturers of enlargement pills in Europe and we have already earned a great reputation their. Our enlargement pills are made of natural components and these pills will make your device bigger, stronger and your body will be full of energy while your night plays.

We can also offer you free testing pills that will help you understand and feel the effect pills have on you. We are sure that after the first pill you girlfriend will scream in bed feeling orgasm, one after another. Become the sex giant for less than 200 dollars and all women in your block will be yours.

Just try once and we are sure you will become our customer forever and join the billions of already satisfied customer all over the world.

Now that I am on Facebook, I post less than I did before. Blogs are fun, but they aren't really 2 way like FB. At the most they are 1.5 way. I guess I will keep it up, but the question is why? Out of habit? No not really. Maybe because I can post whatever the hell I want. On FB, I find myself "watching" my language.


Lets see.