Monday, April 11, 2005

greetings from the hong kong airport

yeowza, greetings from the HK cathay Pacific bussiness class lounge, long time since i got to write, busy week, i am tired and glad to be going home. just drank a beer and have another in the pocket (can) now the e-mails are checked, i'm gonna sit and read a bit of LOTR, and drink a beer, wait for the flight and hope to get some sleep on the flight. the trip was fruitfull, and we accomplished alot, now when i get back, naturally i've got alot of work, mz desk probablz looks like a war zone, and everyone is going to be bombing me with questions. but hey i wouldnt want it any other way. well time for that beer, and that book, i'll try to post tomorrow or on wednesday. YO!

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