Well well, what's up? A direction usually pointing towards the sky.
Speaking of carrots, well actually since no one was, I thought I'd take the opportunity to do so. It seems that according to a well renowned German marital hygiene article retailer, (who's initials are Beate Uhse) well it seems that more and more people (German people) are buying
.. sex toys
. as Easter presents. Whereas the "Vegetable shaped" models are on the rise. (no pun intended) I guess that is because real vegetables are just becoming too expensive for such things, I mean if you can get your hands on a good, fresh zucchini, then you certainly don't want to stick it anywhere but in your mouth. I mean so far that is still the best way to take in vitamins. Oh yeah, up. The sky is getting bluer, the sun stays longer in the sky, and the air is getting warmer. I hope you know what that means? No then ask your meteorologist. I would guess that it means that spring is in the air
.Springs is in the air, everywhere I look
. Uh, sorry, yeah those hormones are getting active. Now it seems that they are trying to find a correlation between rising births, and the world cup last year, they say that the uplifting games and euphoric moods of the German team caused a boom of activity in the bedrooms. Damn, if Germany had fully won, then the rug-rats would probably be all but squirting out
of.. lets leave that. So it makes me wonder, how can the increased sale of vibrating rubber vegetables and the rising amount of babies coincide? Maybe the womenfolk got used to all that baby making last year, and this year with all those tax hikes, pay cuts, lay offs, etc. the men folk don't feel like making babies, since the German team isn't playing so often, so the womenfolk, say don't worry, stay propped up in front of the tube, I'll go take care of some veggies?
Is my mind so warped, or am I on to something?
Or maybe both?
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