Friday, April 20, 2007


Shouldn't we all be happy about Tuesday? I mean if you think about it, everyone says TGIF, but then it is only three days away from Monday, the day people dread the most. But Monday afternoon, after work, we should actually be glad that the next day is Tuesday, a whole 6 days until Monday! Sure there is the weekend between Friday and Monday. We office people actually have a weekend, but all those doctors, nurses, cops, grocery store workers, waitresses, waiters, cooks, etc. They often don't have a traditional weekend, so what can they get happy about? And besides, even if you do have a traditional weekend, what do you do? Shopping, relaxing housework, gardening, whatever, and what is always in the back of your mind? Monday!


I think I am going to start a TGIT movement, just think, T-shirts, buttons, pictures of silly fat cats, all saying TGIT! I would start tomorrow, but that is Saturday, and the weekend is half gone, then its Sunday…..



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