Well, the cold from my last post, turned into a real nasty flu type infection, with allot of stopped up bronchia and the whole kabang, 4 and ½ days off of work, luckily no spewing of any major body fluids, except from the nose and lungs. Monday I came back to work, and today I am still tired. It couldn't have been a worst time to get sick, as I needed last and this week, to clear up some things at work, and prepare for next weeks trip to China. Yeah, almost everyone is saying I should cancel, but as long as things are getting better, then I will still go. As my wife said, the hardest part is the flight with the totally dry air, but as long as I use allot of sea-salt nose spray, then I shouldn't have any problems. So far I haven't sold any art, bummer, I'll never get rich like this. As soon as I get back, I will make a few more paintings, and join the local "Culture & Fine Arts Club", so that I can finally get some real and professional criticism. They also have their own galleries, where I may be allowed to show some works. I guess I will have to start small.
Shame, no overnight-getting-discovered-so-that-I-can-quit-my-day-job-and-spend-my-days-sleeping-and-painting.
At least not yet
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