Tuesday, March 17, 2009

So I am sitting here in my office, taking 5, sipping a coffee and enjoying the mild weather, "at last" I think, "finally good weather" I say to myself, but myself says "yeh, yeh …. The wife said its supposed to snow again"… "huh" says I, "since when do you listen to her?!?"


No, really, we will see. I mean I am generally a positive person, although you wouldn't think it reading my past postings, but as said, I am a fair weather optimist. As long as the sun is shining, I enjoy life, but as soon as it is cold and wet and grey, then I am down. I guess a lot of folks are like that.


One thing I am waiting for (to get back to griping), are the spring caprioles of the drivers on Germany's roads. As soon as the weather changes, for better or worse, they drive even more sucky than otherwise, yes they go from sucky to super-sucky, then when the weather is really good, and all those hormones are really cooked up in the summer heat, they peak into stages of ultra-sucky……. Can't wait for that.



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