Friday, April 03, 2009

TGIF, or FYIF, or HSHYTFGIF, and the sun is shining. It is supposed to stay really nice this weekend. My wife is working tomorrow (aaaaahhhhhh) so I will probably get hookin on the cellar and garden. Clean up the garden, mow, then move a bunch of shit from the cellar to the garden, sort it out, and put the good shit back in. The bad shit will have to be disposed of, and that's the big shit, I know now I won't feel like doing it. Next two weeks are short weeks, but next week I've got to leave the house earlier to take my daughter to a practical work week. She has to start at 7:00 in the morning (heehee), but sucks being me, cause I've gotta drive her there.


I also want to get back on the bike, or what would really be rad, is those new cross country inlines, "skikes" or the same thing from power slide. Those things are That cool! I would really like to try them, but I need to find a course, where they are explained, and if I see they are OK, then I can consider buying a pair, but these things, they are expensive, these things, they are costing about € 250 a pair, and you need the cross country ski sticks as well!


Lets see what the summer brings.


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