Sunday, July 02, 2006

s'long time

Howdy. It has surely been a long time since i have posted any thing. Even at my other two blogs, (,


I think one major problem was that my laptop got shredded, well, part of the registration and personal preferences, it took our IT freaks a few days to get (nearly) everything back up to the way it was supposed to be.


Is it just me or does it really seem that after months or even years of working with a system, and you have all the programs you need, all your preferences are perfectly set up, all your links function correctly, and then the crash. Afterwards, I can never get everything working 100% like it was before, even if all the programs work, almost everything is the same, but it is like the stories in the sci-fi novels, “you know its Jim, it looks and behaves like Jim, but something is missing”


Another key point in my lack of posts is just plain ol’ ugly laziness.


I think the best thing is to get outlook set up again, so that I can start doing the lunch-blogs again. Now that is, that works for my personal, and the Amis-in-Ulm, but wont work for  the sex-wisdoms. That is really a shame, we were getting the spam on our server at work, but now the ITFs have set up a good spam filter that really cut down on the amount of spam received (ASR).  That means no spam = no sex mail wisdoms. I’m not sure what to do hear. I don’t want to use that as an excuse to surf the sex pages and gather cookies, or leave my e-amil, but a man has to do what has to be done (excluding taking out the trash, cleaning the kitchen, etc.)


I’ll give it some more thought and you may see on the increase of ASR = POSMW (posting on sex-mail-wisdoms)


Btw, I checked out my sister’s blog at, and she hasn’t posted anything in awhile either, HA!
weeeellll. bye

1 comment:

Beth said...

That's because that particular blog hasn't been there in a while. I changed it to just after Feb '06. I think I sent you an email asking you to change the link on your blog :-P

or maybe I didn't, I don't remember.

By the way, I understand perfectly about having your computer shredding itself just when you have all the settings and files just like you like them. I had to put a new hard drive in mine back in September, and then had to rebuild mine last week. I've just in the last few days gotten all my files and settings back in order. Fortunately I'd backed up all my documents, music and other various settings on an external drive, so I could actually restore a lot of things after getting all the software re-installed. Sooo... other than that, how're things? :-)

yer sis