Sunday, April 29, 2007

Desperately seeking;



This is a list of people whom I know/knew, but haven't been able to re-contact yet. I have googled, and looked in, and different versions of the white pages and people search sites, but the usually want allot of money to give up any real information.


Maybe someone out there knows someone in this list, and can help (the "six-known-people theory" -



Lely High School:

Louise Haupt


3/11 Cav. /Bad Hersfeld, Germany:

Scott Duncan

Daryl Corneal

Brian Knapp


The names may not be written exactly like those above. But it is worth a try.




Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Screaming Kids

Man-o-man, I just had to switch stations on the web radio. I like the station "Radio Wazee", but it seems that lately more and more screaming kids bands are popping up. I like Alternative, Indie, etc. but when it comes to some of the bands like POD or Bullet for My Valentine, My Chemical Romance, where they don't just sing, but scream unintelligible sentences, not even really in correlation to the music, I have to give up and admit that my ears are getting old. I wont even ask what the kids like about them, that's their thing, they can listen to it if they want.


I guess I don't have to understand it; I just have to accept it.


Anyways, yesterday was OK for a Monday, actually got allot done. Today wasn't bad either. This morning I was going to ride the bike to work, but it looked like rain, so I chickened out, and guess what? No rain! So I guess I will ride it tomorrow.


Not really much to say, so I will stop trying to sound smart, and write just for writings sake. Maybe more tomorrow?



Friday, April 20, 2007


Shouldn't we all be happy about Tuesday? I mean if you think about it, everyone says TGIF, but then it is only three days away from Monday, the day people dread the most. But Monday afternoon, after work, we should actually be glad that the next day is Tuesday, a whole 6 days until Monday! Sure there is the weekend between Friday and Monday. We office people actually have a weekend, but all those doctors, nurses, cops, grocery store workers, waitresses, waiters, cooks, etc. They often don't have a traditional weekend, so what can they get happy about? And besides, even if you do have a traditional weekend, what do you do? Shopping, relaxing housework, gardening, whatever, and what is always in the back of your mind? Monday!


I think I am going to start a TGIT movement, just think, T-shirts, buttons, pictures of silly fat cats, all saying TGIT! I would start tomorrow, but that is Saturday, and the weekend is half gone, then its Sunday…..



Thursday, April 19, 2007


Hmmm, so many thoughts, so much more less to say. You know it is strange the way other people influence each other. I think many people have dreams that they will never realise, because the second thought after the first dream, is “what will others think?” That is with religion, with sexual preferences, with the job, with the girl/boy friend, almost every aspect of life.

My personal give-ups were for example, that I wanted to get into photography, I even had the camera, and started taking pictures. Nothing really great, but for me, every picture of a tree, or a landscape had a story, or a thought behind it. I think two things that made me stop were, once, as I had made some pictures, along the Danube, a guy came up and asked what I was doing? As I answered that I was taking picture, he said, “yeah he used to do that, but it never turns out, I might as well forget it” At the moment I was only slightly irritated, but in retrospect, I get very angry at such people, who because they themselves don’t exceed, have the need to drag others down. The other part was that almost every time that I went out to go on a “safari” (mostly just walking around the neighbourhood) my wife would have some comment, nothing really bad, but it seems these were just small seeds, that later grew into a thick shrub. I don’t blame her. I actually do blame myself. I admire those that are “deaf” to critic, and even if their efforts are in vain, they believe in themselves enough to keep singing, writing stories, and taking pictures, whatever. Even if they will never be “discovered” they seem impervious to the influences of their fellow jealous, and greedy friends. I write greedy, because it is a phenomenon that I see often enough in every day life. I call it…

The Daily Greed.

It starts for example this morning on the way to work, there is some older guy in an older Mercedes in front of me, who takes off from the light really slowly, who doesn’t turn from the left-turn lane, directly into the left lane of a four-lane road, but waits until the other side right-lane traffic is turned to go into the correct lane. He drives at least 5-10 kmh beneath the allowed limit. But as soon as the traffic is supposed to merge for due to construction crew… he gives gas, so that no one can drive up and get in front of him.

Later for example, when getting lunch at the supermarket, when you get to the check-out (mind you the usually don’t have a “ten items” lane here), you usually get some retired people in front of you, that have their carts filled to the allowed weight limit in front of you, they turn around, and see you standing with your 3 items, and give you such a sour look, that you are scared to ask if you may go in front of them. The don’t offer it, and if they see you getting to the lane before them, they will put a bit more speed, that will probably cost them a day of their life. Main thing is, that they get through the lane before you so that they can??? What? As soon as you are through, and you walk out, you see how they are walking as slow and as relaxed as a sloth, they aren’t in a hurry any more, because they have gotten what they wanted, just what is it? Why do larger cars fear having smaller cars in front of them? Are they afraid that it will be contagious, and their car will start shrinking? Are they afraid that if the limit is for example 60 kmh, and a small car is in front of them, then they wont be able to drive 60 enough? Why don’t people want to let you in on the Autobahn (interstate)? I understand if they cant because, there is no room to switch lanes, or the traffic is flowing too fast, but often enough, I have experienced, when the roads are fairly clear, and someone races me along the acceleration lane, absolutely refusing to let me merge in, so that I have to slow down let him by, and then merge in. And when you merge in behind him, THEN HE SLOWS DOWN1 When you try to pass, of course, then he speeds up. Usually you have the same guy leapfrogging with you for a couple hundred of miles. He cant drive fast unless he is behind you.

Well I guess that’s enough for now. I thank anyone who has had the patience to have read all of this. And if not, oh well, I think I’ll get by


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sorry, one more thing,

My condolences for the families of the victims.


I hope that you may find the strength to carry on, and even a little bit more strength to forgive the gunman. He was probably already living in his own personal Hell before this happened. (Which is still no excuse)


The start of a new week, its already Tuesday, they way things go, well turn around twice and it'll be Christmas again. Wow, I'm 40, and time seems to go by so fast, just think about when I'm 60 or 70! No wonder old people seem so dizzy, it's not the blood pressure, it's probably high time pressure. Today was really nice outside, I know, because I didn't eat lunch, I parked out near a lake, dropped the top and relaxed in the sun, slept a few minutes, relaxed.


Well back to work, actually it's almost Miller time, 'cept that we don't have Miller here, rather if we do, its too expensive (Get that Miller as an expensive Import beer, hyuck-hyuck-hyuck) so I'll drink a bad cheap German beer, which is still better than most American beers.


I was shocked about the Virginia Tech atrocities. I know a lot of Americans feel that we should uphold the constitutional right to bear arms, and I certainly don't want to touch that.


But after watching documentaries like "Bowling for Columbine" and after living in Germany so long, where yes, they do also have such senseless killings as well, but much fewer, I wonder why the NRA is such a huge lobby? Why do the people let themselves be enslaved by a huge money-machine, that has no real interest in the constitution but the pursuit of wealth for the arms manufactures?


Why do the people, who in the singular sense, are for the most part intelligent, but as a mass, dumb as cows, allow themselves to be led into a question of black or white? It seems that so often these days, everyone has to have a "coin sided" mentality? They only think that there are two sides to everything, whereas common sense dictates that we should all have "steel bar" mentalities. Two ends, but a long part in the middle, which needs to be balanced and sometimes bent to stay balanced.


We must make a drivers license for our cars, which we are only allowed to do after a certain age. We must register these cars, where on the registration there is information as to the model, make, etc. Why can't these be done for guns, without everyone thinking automatically on a full ban? People, who want guns, should within reason be allowed to have guns, providing that they are proven (mostly) responsible. Why not have a "Shooters test" and a registration showing the ballistic fingerprint? Naturally there will be abuses and slip-through, just as there are with cars, but in which negative way would this affect law-abiding constitution respecting citizens? Naturally it may not totally stop such massacres like in Columbine or Blacksburg, but it may save a few lives nonetheless. Some people would say – That's more control that they have on us – it is the same people that complain that the government doesn't do enough against criminals. Other would say – they would just use this to tax us – which is true, but which tax that should save lives, should be collected in vain. It is all those people who only have negative arguments, who rely on that same government to make sure that they have un-restricted, absolute deadly right to carry (even concealed) guns, who then complain that they get shot by their own guns when they think they need it.


It is also these people who fear the government's restrictions, who forget that they have the right, the responsibility to place honest politicians in the stand. Who forget that the constitution, which is presently being eroded, gives them the right to speak up and say their opinions, so if they would learn more about these rights, and use them, then they shouldn't have to fear such a repressive and dishonest government.


Well, 'nuff raved for today, I guess I'll post this and wait for the slaps in the face.



Friday, April 13, 2007


Hoooooieeee, s´friday again. Naturally it's cool if you have a short week like I did. The weather is great, and I can't wait to get off, and hang out on the patio, yep, hang out on the patio, and maybe go out on the patio, and what? Yep hang out.


On the other hand, I want some movement (other than the bowel type) so maybe I'll swing myself onto my bike and hit the trails awhile.


Yep, hang out. I also need to get some more books, the stores here have a limited number of English books, usually the same ones in every shop, and the same ones for a long time, maybe I'll check out Amazon.


Well, I think you can tell that I don't have much to say, I'm just rambling until lunchtime. Which is in one minute. So I'll spare you further ramblings, wish everyone a great weekend, and say


"Let the hanging out begin"



Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Pissed off :-()

Man am I in a pissed off mood. My workplace and colleagues are cool, and the work itself is OK, but sometimes those Chinese that I deal with can get on my nerves sumpen awful.


I cant and wont go into it, but instead of sitting with my colleagues for lunch, I drove to a nearby lake, put the top down and slept a few minutes, relaxed, heard some music, and enjoyed the peace awhile. Afterwards I got a small bite to eat, and ate at my desk while re-starting work. Damn, within 5 minutes, all that peace and quite was gone again. I can't say that they are stupid, even though they act like it sometimes. It's just a culture thing, the way they think. They think totally different than westerners, and usually I get along really well, I have a lot of patience, but today – WHAM, I could have slammed a couple up against the wall, and not have even felt guilty (except for the mess on the wall)


I guess I really have to get back into some after work sports activity.


Well got to start rowing again, the boss wants to water ski.



Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Well well, what's up? A direction usually pointing towards the sky.


Speaking of carrots, well actually since no one was, I thought I'd take the opportunity to do so. It seems that according to a well renowned German marital hygiene article retailer, (who's initials are Beate Uhse) well it seems that more and more people (German people) are buying ….. sex toys…. as Easter presents. Whereas the "Vegetable shaped" models are on the rise. (no pun intended) I guess that is because real vegetables are just becoming too expensive for such things, I mean if you can get your hands on a good, fresh zucchini, then you certainly don't want to stick it anywhere but in your mouth. I mean so far that is still the best way to take in vitamins.  Oh yeah, up. The sky is getting bluer, the sun stays longer in the sky, and the air is getting warmer. I hope you know what that means? No then ask your meteorologist. I would guess that it means that spring is in the air….Springs is in the air, everywhere I look….  Uh, sorry, yeah those hormones are getting active. Now it seems that they are trying to find a correlation between rising births, and the world cup last year, they say that the uplifting games and euphoric moods of the German team caused a boom of activity in the bedrooms. Damn, if Germany had fully won, then the rug-rats would probably be all but squirting out… of.. lets leave that. So it makes me wonder, how can the increased sale of vibrating rubber vegetables and the rising amount of babies coincide? Maybe the womenfolk got used to all that baby making last year, and this year with all those tax hikes, pay cuts, lay offs, etc. the men folk don't feel like making babies, since the German team isn't playing so often, so the womenfolk, say don't worry, stay propped up in front of the tube, I'll go take care of some veggies?


Is my mind so warped, or am I on to something?


Or maybe both?